Drammen Sacred Festival is a meeting place for local, national and international artists with a focus on art and music of a spiritual nature. The artists and the public share a common interest and fascination for the creative dynamic that occurs when different traditions and art forms are shared, where artistic expression is central.
Drammen is known for its international population, and the festival emphasizes an open dialogue between all the groups represented. The festival envisions a platform that encourages different people to meet, be moved, and create meaning together through shared artistic expressions. The ambition of Drammen Sacred Festival is to be a central, national festival on this front.
The festival is made possible with the generous support from our many sponsors and partners, the biggest of which are Drammen Municipal Council – Culture, Arts Council Norway and Buskerud County Municipality. Our other sponsors are:
Drammen kommune Interkultur
Norsk Kulturråd
Drammen prosti / Fjell menighet
Buskerud fylkeskommune
Eckbos legater
Tunsberg bispedømmekontor
Opplysningsvesenets fond
Drammen kirkelige fellesråd
Kari Ulleberg
Collaborating Partners
Equally important are the many collaborations we have established over the years. The festival began in the area around Papirbredden with Union Scene as the centre of activity. This year we have expanded our partnership with Papirbredden and made Drammen Library a focal point of the festival. We also partner with:
Drammen kommune Interkultur
Papirbredden AS
Comfort Hotel Union Brygge
Universal Tolerance Organisation
Papirbredden Cafe
Drammen Filmklubb
Mangfoldhuset, Drammen
Drammen og omegn tros- og livssynsforum (DoTL)
Tunsberg bispedømmeråd
Drammen kirkelige fellesråd
Fjell menighetsråd
Strømsø menighetsråd
Bragernes menighetsråd
Byen vår Drammen
Buskerud Innvandrerråd
Byavisa Drammen
Drammen Faith Forum (DoTL) started the festival in 2010 together with Drammen Municipal Council. The initiative takers were Arve Vannebo, Ricardo Sanchez & Ivar Flaten. From 2012 the festival has been organised with a formal Board that collaborates with local, regional, national and international partners. Drammen kommune is a central partner in programming and production.
The Board of Directors of DSMF consists of Ole Jørn Myklebust, Terje-Brun Pedersen, Simen Korsmo Robertsen, Reidun Svabø and finally Ivar Flaten as Chairman.
During the years, the festival has collaborated with professionals in the program work: Ricardo Sanchez (former producer Interculture) Jørgen Nøvik (musician, visual artist), Svanhild Rohdin (visual artist), Fernando Sallum (musician), Tal Zimra Coleman (musician), Svein Westad musician), Erik Hillestad (Kirkelig Kulturverksted) and Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (musician). Henrik Melius (Spiritus Mundi, Malmo) and Eli Borchgrevink (Buskerud Theater Workshop – former Trap and Du Store World) are external consultants and partners.
Reports from earlier festivals
Festival report 2010 (Norwegian language)
Festival report 2011 (Norwegian language)
Festival report 2012
Festival report 2015
Festival report 2016
Festival report 2017